Founded by: Armin Sabri & Naor Amir



We are 2 sports betting consultants from Toronto who have generated over 6 figures through our own bets and created PROFIT BETS with the goal of helping others do the same.

We’ve put countless hours into studying the sports we bet on alongside the plenty of experience and knowledge we’ve learned over the years which is why we are so confident in our skills.

We don’t just send a random bet out just for the sake of sending it out, extensive daily research is put into each bet that is sent out to make sure that it is the highest returning with lowest risk bet possible.


Helping others make money has always been a goal of ours which is why we created PROFIT BETS in the first place. We know that through our bets we can help you generate profits just like we’ve done for ourselves and the ones around us. 

Honesty and transparency are always #1 for us, we will always try to be as genuine as possible.  Most betting groups only show their wins and cover up their losses as well as lie to their members to boost their numbers. 

Our goal is to be the most trustworthy sports betting group, not the biggest.

We want all of our members to make money and to win with us and we assure you once you join and start watching your bank account rise, you’ll be buying the package every month!


We have multiple different packages each with its own perks/benefits that can all be purchased on our website. 

Daily bets will be sent out privately on the Profitbets Snapchat account for most of our packages. 

This discludes the “1 Month Daily Bets Package” as this package also gives you access to the PROFITBETS telegram group chat where daily bets are sent out as well as where members communicate with each other and share their personal bets.

Daily picks are also available and can be purchased through our Fansly.

Press here to see all of the PROFITBETS packages.

Press here to see the benefits of each package.


We aren’t here to convince you to join, after all there’s a reason that our members continue buying the package every month and its because we bring results, at the end of the day it’s up to you to decide if you wanna keep watching us win or come win with us!